Emergence and post production(or game)
The options for the topic of the Project can be linked together through a recurring theme. Looking over them I found an undercurrent of thought, where each topic challenges the concept of what it is to be human and whether the human experience has any true value. Some ideas illustrate that human responses to the world are inherently empty of anything deeper than the natural responses gain through years and years of emergent programming.
I know some things regarding the topics, which could lead to many possibilities. I found that can be linked together. Below is what I know or think about the topics without researching them.
1.1. Emergence: the accumulation of form through a set of rules which add up to create complex systems. With this concept it can be argued that all life stems from some form of emergence, created by the system of rules that have been developing with the planet and the universe. What this means is that life and all things that are held as meaningful to life, is actually the recognition of overall forms created by rule sets. The most conspicuous of forms is the product of more complex systems and rules.
If all things in life can be traced back to a set of rules that make it up, it is therefore emergence and has no design or intended meaning to its form. Without design, the form is incidental suggesting that the meaning that we put into what we perceive is false.
1.2. Conspicuous Consumption: The consumption and use of material goods by individuals to produce a sense of status for others to perceive.
The human identity and individuality of thought is said to be key to the true meaning of being human and a sentient being. A society however that encourages using goods to create identity undermines this individuality. The current market place for goods heavily encourages the use of goods to create identity as a tool for selling goods. This in turn creates a proxy identity for the individual without any real substance or accuracy. The mechanism of trade is possibly taking away the identity of the human race with a prescribed identity that holds no true value.
Using material goods to produce an identity can be traced back to primal instincts, further illustrating the idea that life stems from emergence. The fact that the individuality of people is challenged by baser instinct to create status and money suggests that the human race is gravitating towards a comfortable future over one with meaning.
1.3. Neuro Magic: This topic is all about perception much like the other topics. This however deals with the perception inside the mind. Neuro Magic is basically sensory phenomena which typical not easily explained away through common knowledge. The term magic suggest that there is hidden mystique to the origins of the phenomena but like magic it can be also explained by an examination of the rules the make up the perception. Neuro magic is illusory emergence, as it also is made up of a set of rule that create an experience.
I think that emergence can be linked to the other two topics and is therefore the most adaptable.
Emergence isn’t just for forms created in nature it’s also a common theme that unites all things in life that we perceive. I believe it goes beyond forms and can connect to all forms of perception and other parts of human behaviour.
I would define emergence as: A set of rules which create a perception of form or an idea of form.
I need to refine the definition of emergence as the project progresses to coherently express the connectivity amongst these topics.
My production method for this topic would have to be post production or computer game design. Post Production seems to be the most likely at this point of the project but I don’t want to rule the others out yet until I either know more about the topic or production possibilities.