Tuesday, September 20, 2011

September 11

Over the holiday I tested out alternate methods for making a game to illustrate entropy. I started with the flash box 2d physics engine to see how it could be used visually. I found out I could make shapes with co-ordinated edges which I could use to make puzzle like forms and skin them so when they were together they could make a structure that would decay. With this I could have make an interesting 2D game but I felt that a 3D game would be more interesting aesthetically.

It took me a while but I finally got the script to compile properly and the game now recognises my mod. I may have spent too much time on it but now I have ability to make a wider range of changes to to the map I can create. At the moment however the mod only effects normal UT deathmatches I need to move on to getting it to effect a saved edited map. I also now have to find out what else I can do with modding my game. Im planning to increase the time I spend on working on this project because i still have along way to go.

At the moment the script mod changes a weapon but there are lots of resouces for thing I can change. I'm still getting an error with the "classes" pathway but the compiler still gets it despite what it says.

I've connected my Unreal script Mod to the test map I created in the UDK editor. With this I now have the foundations to create my map with modified interaction with the main character. Now I need to build my map and explore my options with the mod.

What to do next:

1. Map: create a map structure
2. Material: create transtional materials for the meshes that activate on approach
3. Mod: setup and refine the interaction with the map
4. Meshes: Create the collapsable meshes for the game map

+Recording physics reaction to an animation sequence

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