The sub-topic that I am focusing on, branching off emergence, is entropy. I consider entropy to be the end or opposite to emergence. Emergence is the build up of life and rules of existence over time, wheras entropy is the degredation of those things, a divergence. This divergence breaks apart the things created through emergence, and spreads those parts. This is evident in nature and in history, with many precedents in literutre and science. Entropy means the inevitable death of all things, the anti-emergence or divergence. In life there is a rate of loss in things that builds up over time. It’s this rate of loss that will eventually lead to a point that no life can survive. Negative entropy is considered to be the place where life develops.
In Science: A measure of energy that is not available to work in the transfer of heat in objects. The variables that contribute to this rate of loss are based on factors of temperature, composition, pressure. This means in heat changes there is a rate of loss in energy due to the impossibility of a 100% eficient heat transfer. It is also a level of randomness in a thermal dynamic system.
Cosmology theory: A hypothetical tendency for the universe to attain a uniform temperature also known as heat death. It is considered as the end of the universe and could possibly come from the loss of energy that occurs in thermal dynamics. With an overtime loss of energy there is no energy left for heat transfer and the universe becomes a unform temperture of absolute zero. It could also come from the overall spacing of the universe after the expansion of the universe reaches the point where its parts are too far apart to get heat and attain uniform temperature.
Data: loss of informational data in a transmitted signal or message.
Information can be lost in translation when transfered different forms as evident in snow crash with the changes in commnication. Information in the digital age can last longer now but, information requires an observer to survive. There can be many forms of degredation overtime for information depending on varying factors. Information overload can also create a loss of information or an bundance of irrelevent information that make revelent information harder to observe.
Loss of potency through repetition (photocopies), thw law of diminishing returns.
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