Monday, October 17, 2011

Problems with Houdini

I started looking at exporting from to other platforms for the final product. It seems that the apprentice version of houdini that I'm running doesn't support the fbx export system, which is the only way of exporting particle system. By doing this I also found out that this version can only render out small renders(720*576) with a houdini watermark. This has been a large set back as I've had to find a way around the exporting of the object and I have find a way to render the particle effects if I cant export them.

Upgrading Houdini to the Master version costs roughly 6 thousand dollars (USD) but is the only option for the particle exporter. My only option is to render the particles and thread them through my video by upgrading to houdini apprentice HD, which allows to me render properly. That will cost me $99 USD which might be difficult for me to pay with my limited budget. At this point I have little choice, and hope it works out.

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