In typical fashion I checked blackbaord to late to find out there's another quiz due yesterday. I looked at blackboard to find the presentation order and didnt expect to find that extra quiz. It may be too late to do the qiuz but I may as well do it just in case. The only artist I can remember is Natalie Jeremijenko.
Quiz: Natalie Jeremijenko
Natalie Jeremijenko is an artist who uses technolgy to critique society, people and nature. One of the works shown in the lecture is the footage of a spy plane flying over an area that is restricted against filming . The model airplane was flown over silicon valley, using a loophole in the information protection law to avoid prosecution. The work raises issues about surveillance and the freedom of information in modern society.
Also covered in the lecture was robtic dogs rewired to go beyond their intended commercial use. This makes the commercial robot dogs into open source material and promotes a community of free use and participation by comsumers. A read/write culture allows for the free use of the products and ties into the freedom of information ideas raised with the spy plane work.
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